London’s AIM Index moved back above the 900 mark during Monday’s trade although gains were limited to just short of eight points, finishing at 903.99
- Inspirit Energy +151%
- Verditek +44%
- Sunrise Resources +39%
- Edenville Energy -21%
- Caspian Sunrise -12%
Inspirit Energy LON:INSP provided an update on its Waste Heat recovery (WHR) system this morning, which the company has been working on, with waste heat exhaust being recycled and converted to energy. This is seen as ground-breaking technology with multiple applications. Shares added 151% as a result, testing levels not seen for a year in what was a very busy day of trading.
Clean tech company Verditek LON:VDTK updated the market this morning, advising that its distribution partner has secured an important JV with a membrane roofing manufacturer, whilst they also secured their first order in single ply roofing membranes. This sees Verditek’s solar modules integrated into a flexible PVC flat roof membrane and gave shareholders cause to celebrate. The stock last week was trading at all time lows and today’s 44% uptick takes gains over the last few days to 100%.
Sunrise Resources LON:SRES provided an update to the market at 2pm today advising that its CS Natural Pozzolan has now been conditionally approved by the California Department of Transport (“Caltrans”) for use in California State infrastructure projects, having successfully passed Caltrans’s own independent compliance testing. Shares rose 39% although trade was thin and the spread accounted for the vast majority of the gain.
Edenville Energy LON:EDL was the day’s worst performer, off 21% at the close. There’s no news here however but with a valuation of just £2m and only a dozen or so trades being recorded it’s difficult to read too much into this.
Caspian Sunrise LON:CASP was the day’s second biggest faller, off 12% at 4.30pm. The company issued a financial statement and annual report for the full year to 31st December this morning. Revenues were up 75% but losses grew from $3.5m to $5.5m