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Podcast: Learning about trading and the IX Investor & Trader Show

Podcast: Learning about trading and the IX Investor & Trader Show

This week we talk to Simon Campbell from IX Media and Paddy Osborn from the London Academy of Trading about the upcoming IX Investor & Trader Show on 25 November in London. Shows like this can be a great way for newcomers to active investing to investigate what is going on and find the right access points that suit you.

But the conference is also useful for more experienced traders as it represents a great way for catch up on the latest thinking and innovation within the active trading space.

The Armchair Trader will also be attending the IX Investor & Trader Show. Campbell fills us in on what delegates can expect to find at the event and how is speaking. All of the speakers trade their own accounts or manage their own funds, and they know what it is like to start from being a retail trader to becoming a professional money manager.

We also discuss the current volatility in financial markets and ask whether traders should be sitting things out at the moment. Volatility, of course, brings possible profits if you are more short term in your focus. “Most financial advisers would suggest you stick with it,” especially if you have a regular savings plan, “but in terms of trading, there is never a bad time to be trading,” says Osborn. “Volatility is all we want, and we’ve got plenty of it.”

How do you avoid burning your fingers though if you are new to the market? Trading is quite a tricky thing to get right – the London Academy of Trading provides tutors who can coach individual traders, regardless of experience levels, and help them to address bad habits that might be creeping in.

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The London Academy of Trading is the UK’s first accredited trading academy. Its curriculum and teaching approach develop students’ creativity, resilience and practical skills to enhance their opportunities for employment or for trading financial markets. LAT develops its curricula and utilises the diversity within its student community to maximise the effectiveness of its courses and enhance the experience for all students.

IX Media polled delegates from a previous event they hosted last year, and Campbell says one of the great opportunities it offers is for individual traders to talk to each other and compare notes. People like the social side and hearing other people’s stories.

We also talk about a structured trade plan, and how important it is for making consistent profits when trading. How important is fundamental and technical analysis, and which should you favour when contemplating a trade?

Further on in the podcast we discuss the extremely important topic of how you go about choosing a broker, how brokers make their money, and how can you avoid the more disreputable brokerages.

And if you are interested in free tickets to the Investor & Trader Show, there may still be some free tickets available on the website. We look forward to meeting some of our readers at the event!

IX Investor & Trader Show is on 25 November in London at the Connaught Rooms. You can find out more about the London Academy of Trading here. You can get tickets for the IX Investor & Trader Show here.

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