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AIM Review: Remote Monitored Systems, Attis Oil and Gas, Ncondezi Energy

AIM Review: Remote Monitored Systems, Attis Oil and Gas, Ncondezi Energy

As the year draws to a close, again we thought we’d try taking a different view with the report by taking the opportunity to look back at the column’s most popular stocks since we started writing it at the end of August.

In today’s edition, we are highlighting those companies which have made the most frequent appearances as one of the top two daily fallers…

#1. Remote Monitored Systems

One again it’s Remote Monitored Systems [LON:RMS] which finds itself at the top of this list, having appeared five times. As we noted in our “gainers” column, the stock has seen no shortage of support, but those breath taking gains which supported what ended up as being a close on 20-fold gain at its peak have also been met by some sharp reversions. However to repeat a theme, the stock remains well ahead and the concept of antiviral materials goes well beyond COVID-19.

#2. Attis Oil and Gas

Attis Oil and Gas LON:AOGL found itself on the losing end of the chart three times over the quarter, although investors who held fast here have benefited from the amalgamation into Helium One. Shares were exchanged on a 236:1 ratio and have continued to rally in early December off the back of a cap raise.

#2. Ncondezi Energy 

Ncondezi Energy LON:NCCL is developing a thermal coal plant in Mozambique. There are signs of progress, but this doesn’t come without headwinds, either. Shares are just under 5p, so little changed from the levels seen at the start of September, but have ranged between 2.8p and 5.6p over this period. That’s made for three appearances in the biggest casualty column, but a bull market and a pool of supportive investors have helped maintain momentum here.

Perhaps the best takeaway from these two summaries is the fact that there’s little we can draw from interday movements on AIM. One swallow doesn’t necessarily make a summer sort of thing, but it reminds us that volatility can work either way and aren’t necessarily the harbingers of doom that some may expect.

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