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Share tip: a British engineering company that flies under the radar

Share tip: a British engineering company that flies under the radar

Happy new year, and a warm welcome back to the UK FTSE250 tips column. It has been quite a journey over the last year or so writing up compelling investment ideas for you to ponder. In this January update, I will provide a performance analysis on the portfolio of trades so far and update you with my thinking across current holdings, in addition to of course supplying you with a great trade idea to kick off the year.

So let's review the results so far. Which after all, is what you should seek from any tip service. The spreadsheet below outlines the tips I have made, with the date of purchase and sale (if the sell note has been issued) and the price/return calculations. I have also quoted our benchmark - the FTSE250 return during the holding period for each tip.

As outlined below, overall performance suggests a market beating return of 16.39% as an average across the trades made. This performance is pleasing, and also goes to prove that our active strategy is delivering against the goal of generating market beating returns.

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