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Small Cap Stocks: Future Metals, Wishbone Gold, Destiny Pharma

Small Cap Stocks: Future Metals, Wishbone Gold, Destiny Pharma

A slightly softer than expected US open appeared to knock confidence in the AIM All Share although the dip into negative territory proved to be short lived. The index closed the day barely in the black, up by just 0.01 points.

  • Future Metals +15%
  • Wishbone Gold +14%
  • Brave Bison +13%
  • Destiny Pharma -26%
  • Sondrel -15%

Future Metals [LON:FME] was top of the board today but gains were limited to just 15%, something that reverses the declines seen around a month ago in the wake of the general meeting. Strong gains were realised on the company’s ASX listing last week but there’s no published news here to justify the interest.

Wishbone Gold LON:WSBN advanced 14% on the day. Volumes were significantly elevated but the only confirmed news relates to the scheduling of a delayed AGM. Is this one to watch for news elsewhere?

Destiny Pharma LON:DEST was at the foot of the board, down 26%. The move goes against what looks like some encouraging drug test news but the company is also in the process of delisting from AIM and that may be dominating price action.

Sondrel [LON:SND] was 15% lower, again with the company having announced this morning that it intends to delist. However volumes were thin and the move was within the quoted closing spread.

Brave Bison LON:BBSN added 13% on the day to take the notable mention following a trading update. This mainly noted that management remained comfortable with meeting full year targets and that that revenues typically had a H2 weighting.

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