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Tiller launches online wealth management service

Tiller launches online wealth management service

Tiller is a new online wealth management service that is combining a digital offering with traditional fund management expertise.

The aim is to provide investors with a new type of service that keeps pace with the needs of today’s investor. Behind it sits an experienced investment team, but they are now leveraging technology to help investors get a better grip on the performance of their money.

The team at Tiller wealth management will be using their expertise to select funds and monitor the global financial landscape, but they are also drawing on an intelligent algorithm that can monitor market conditions and customer portfolios on a day to day basis.

This can help Tiller to rebalance investment portfolios when market events warrant it.

Tiller: wealth management meets technology

Tiller is aiming to embrace the needs of the digital investor, someone who wants to be able to check up on their investments when they want to. Its clients can monitor and manage their portfolios at any time, using mobile devices or desk tops.

Tiller also lets potential customers determine their own risk profile, choose a portfolio, and examine every holding before opening an account. This means you really understand where they are recommending that you invest before you part with any money.

“We are professional investors who saw an opportunity to embrace technology rather than technologists who saw an opportunity in the world of wealth management,” explains Ian Cadby, chief executive and founder of Tiller. “We have developed a fusion of talent, techniques and technology that is a leap forward to the next generation of online wealth management.”

Tiller wealth management says it is in the business of never leaving your money to the fate of the markets.

A cost effective and convenient service

Accounts with Tiller can be set up within 15 minutes. Tiller is accepting minimum investments of £10,000 and is offering a core portfolio comprised of ETFs for 0.75% annual management fee. Those who want to incorporate actively managed funds and themed investment baskets into their portfolios will pay a slightly higher fee of 0.9%.

There are no additional charges for custody of assets, administration or making trades or withdrawals. Overall, it seems to offer very good value for money.

More wealth managers are now facing the need to deal with a technological revolution which is raising the expectations of investors who want to be able to review their fund portfolios in real time. Tiller is tapping into this with its mix of technological support and human expertise.

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