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Why I am buying in to this pedigree US defence stock

Why I am buying in to this pedigree US defence stock

When I was visiting SHAPE HQ at Nato in Belgium in 2006 – a Nato General told our group after a two-hour tour of the facilities that there will be no more wars in Europe; how wrong he was! Putin’s Munich speech in 2007, Georgia in 2008, Crimea in 2014 and Ukraine/Russia in 2022 and this latest war seems, like Vietnam, to have the capacity to go on for years or even decades.

Why should investors care?

In October the Hammas/Israel conflict started up again and last week Finland completely closed the border with Russia for first two weeks since African/Middle-east refugees were being sent to the extremely cold Lapland border on bicycles.

Living in Finland, close to Russia, gives me a different perspective on the great power next door. After WWII Finland learned never to trust the Soviet Union, even after the Cold War ended in 1992. Finland has mandatory military service like Israel for all males between 18-29 for between five months to 13 months with the military also now open for female volunteers. There are over 600,000 reserve troops who have had a basic three month training course with AK-47 rifles and basic military tactics.

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